Friday, October 28, 2011

Tea time, the best time of the day....

I have a 1:00 pm crash time. I don't wear a watch and unless I *have* to know what time it is I don't bother with it. I have different alarms set on my iphone that tell me when to get up, go to the bus etc. But, no matter what I am doing or where I am I can always tell when it's 1:00.

I get crabby (crabbier than usual), tired and have an overwhelming need for a nap. So, whenever possible, I set myself up for my 1:00 pm ritual that usually keeps me sane for the rest of the day.

Ahhhhh, a cup of tea, homemade biscotti and a nice read. Honestly, the only thing that could make this better are the days that I can follow this up with a little cat nap in a sunbeam (bliss).

Tea has been an important part of my life since I can remember. Coffee and I have a really dysfunctional relationship, one which I think I have said goodbye to permanently (I hope). But tea- ahhh tea never lets me down. Tea is good when I'm happy, tea is good when I'm sad, tea is good when I'm cold, tea is good when I'm hot.

I remember years ago, I had a benign tumour in my neck (but we didn't know if it was benign at the time) and went to see a specialist in downtown Calgary. After the appointment my Mom said that since we were right at the Palliser Hotel that we should go and have a cup of tea. As we sat down Mom made some comment to the effect of what "Copithornes" we were being - here we were in a crisis and the first thing we did was run off for a cup of tea.

Another "Copithorne" tea cures all memory I have is of my Grandma. She had fallen and was in the hospital getting x-rays. She was pretty banged up and was quite a wreck. The doctors were worried about her beyond just broken bones too. They had her in the examining room and Grandma started asking for a cup of tea. They denied her saying that they needed her to stay there and have these important tests done on her to make sure she was ok. She kept on persisting that she would be ok if only she could have a cup of tea. After a while of this back and forth the doctors relented and let one of us go get her a cup of tea. As she sipped her tea, you could see her visibly calm down. Did it mend her broken bones? No, but it sure mended her spirit.

Tea as a cure all for what ails you!

I have to admit though, that some cups of tea are just a little bit better. Today I'm having one of my all time favourite cups of tea. Lavender tea from Murchies in Victoria, British Columbia.

When I was a kid, my parents used to take us to Vancouver Island for our vacations. Eventually they bought their retirement home near Sidney, BC. I have many fond memories of the Island, high among those are my trips to Murchies.... often followed by a trip to Rogers Chocolates. Hence my obsession with tea and chocolate I suppose.

Getting Murchie's tea in Calgary used to be somewhat of a challenge. One made a bit easier by the fact that my parents still were making annual treks out to the Cedarwood Inn and Suites. Then we moved to Montreal, but I was smart and brought along a stash. When we moved to Rhode Island, I learned to scrounge for boxes of tea (because I'm sure no one would miss them lol) when I would go home. Finally, my parents just started buying tea for me for Christmas to ensure their stock was not depleted too badly on my trips home. Last fall, I had a good friend visit me in RI from Victoria. She kindly brought me some Lavender tea which I have been thoroughly enjoying - although I am learning to use it sparsely.... it's getting close to running out. I guess I'll have to start getting it shipped to Virginia!

It's a cold rainy day, and honestly I can't think of anything I'd rather do right now than go enjoy a nice warm cup of tea and my biscotti. If I turn away I can ignore the massive stack of laundry behind me. If I turn off the lights, I can't see that the floors need to be cleaned. I can focus on my comforting cup of tea and enjoy the bliss of silence and calm it brings me.


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