Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Roanoke Natural Foods Coop. Good to be a member!

I love our local Co-op. We were lucky to find out about the Co-op while we were here house hunting -  so it's been part of my grocery shopping circuit since the get go. I love all the local dairy, meats and produce that are available there. And the bulk food aisle has become an important part of filling my pantry.

But, it's not just the *things* I can get there that I like. It truly is a community Co-op. Last Sunday they brought their community together for an owners' cookout (I still want to call it a BBQ - but BBQ means something entirely different here than it does where I come from). The Grandin area was the first real introduction to Roanoke that I had back in April when we were house hunting. We were in the area on Earth Day and spent a wonderful spring day walking up and down the street enjoying the festivities.

I was not sure exactly what to expect. But, the sun was out and it was a beautiful day, and history had taught us that chances were we would have a lot of fun -  so the kids and I thought "why not?"

We went early so they could play at the playground across the street. They always have fun at that park and usually it's a struggle to get them to leave. But, after a while the smell of the grill made its way up the hill and got our stomachs growling. This time the kids were pestering me to leave the park so they could go down to the Co-op parking lot.

And why not? Along with the wonderful smells there was music!

Of course since we were there so early we had to get a seat and a drink. Right across from where they were cooking and beside the band. The best spot according to the kids!

We didn't notice the line start to form. A bunch of happy people waiting their turn for some grub!

Jenna took one look at the grill and said "Mom, that's big enough to cook a bear on". Have I mentioned we had a bear problem at our house?

There was a fun lady who did caricatures while we waited.

She picked up on Jacob's big head. I told him his big head almost killed me!!!

Jenna's turn

Pretty accurate don't you think?

Here were our menu options. Pretty decent selection don't you think? Grass Fed Beef!!! Love it!

And the grill full of food (no bear)

Here was my meal. Beef burger, green salad, pasta salad and a cookie. You were supposed to get only one salad, but Jacob made a salad error so I got his too. :-)

Nothing else to do but enjoy the good food, fun people and wonderful evening!

What a party they put together. This was free to members.
Thank you Roanoke Natural Foods Coop!!!

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