Wednesday, April 4, 2012

More baking.... I didn't clean today either

Amazing the reasons I'm finding to not clean the house. The good thing is I threw around enough flour in the kitchen today that as soon as I'm done this blog I have to go turn on the vacuum. Or, I could try and convince one of the kids to do it for me. Hmmm, that sounds like a much better option.

Jenna has to bring in enough cookies for 20 kids tomorrow. Their class is having a mini store set up to teach them about money and how it works. Each kid has to sell either a good or service to help them learn about making money transactions. Jenna picked cookies. Shocking eh?

Of course Mr. Fancypants Jacob does not like chocolate, so I made him some scones. I was thinking about them yesterday after making my pop tarts. The last time I had a scone, my sister and I went out to a tea house in Rhode Island. We were both so disappointed as they were not at all the scones we remembered from our childhood vacations on Vancouver Island. On top of it, they were much, much too big. I made smaller scones (still more than big enough I felt) and put the homemade jam from yesterday on them. He was pretty satisfied!

Here's the table with my baking insanity on it

When they get along with each other they're BFF's. Jacob's helping Jenna decorate the boxes the cookies are going to go in

Jenna's stuffing the boxes with cookies. It was "one for me, one for the box" for a bit; but we got that under control!

The final product, all ready in their baskets to go to school. 

Little kid hand trying to grab one last cookie!

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