Sunday, August 14, 2011

If you're going to eat it... it should be a 10

I had a good (and very skinny) friend when I lived in Quebec who told me of her philosophy on having desserts. That was, that if she was going to eat a high calorie dessert, it had to be a 10 or else it was not worth it. And although I have the occasional slip (like Thursday when I practically ate my weight in M&M's even though I don't particularly care for them and would rate them maybe a 2) these are words I try to live by.
Searching out sweets that are a 10 can be harder than you would think. It has made me a picky dessert eater. Which is a good thing since I don't have much self control around the ones that I find that are a 10. Good baklava, good ice cream, Jenna's home made biscotti - these are among the top of my favourite list)
Last weekend we went to the Salem Farmer's Market for the first time. What an experience. We have gone to a few of the other Farmer's Markets in the area, but had not made this one yet. I love, love, love that I now live in an area where there is so much locally grown produce and local meats to choose from. But, there was a certain smell coming from the end of the Salem market that had my nose a twitching. Once I saw the sign, I knew I had reached my destination gastronomique:
What's that? Homemade doughnuts? Oh, the smell, I wish blogger had a smell button. My mouth was watering something fierce. You know I had to try one. We got our spot in line and I began watching them make the doughnuts. It was really something to see.
They started with the dough, cutting it and shaping it. Then into the pan with oil it goes.
It then gets all icing-ed up and hung for a few seconds...
Before going into tummies as fast as possible.
Oh they were definitely a 10. Healthy? Not at all, but we all have to indulge once in a while. If you're going to - I highly recommend this method!

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