Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Farmer's Market

Roanoke has an excellent Farmer's Market. I love getting to know the people who grow my food. I love that there is so much fresh food produced so close to where we live. I was thinking of this last night as we were out at a "nicer" place for supper. This "nicer" place had lettuce in their salad that I'm pretty sure was brought across the country in a refrigerator truck, and the lamb I ordered that was mutton at it's best. I've met several farmers in the area who produce free range, grass fed animals and naturally grown produce. Why are local restaurants not making use of the excellent food that is being produced on their doorstep?

I missed going to the market today and sent my dear husband in my place. The kids were asleep and only one of us could go. He was off at 7am to get the best selection of produce (which he did). While he was gone I spent some time reading from the book The Untold Story of Milk by Ron Schmid and came across a quote that describes exactly how I was feeling about food this morning:

I think we're happiest when our sense of purpose is intact and when we feel that our place in the universe is secure and harmonious. Producing and using foods in traditional, time-honored ways is in tune with something that resides very deep in the souls of humankind.... Going to farmers' markets and purchasing fresh cheeses, fruits and vegetables is a soul-nourishing activity.

Soul nourishing indeed. I find eating and providing my family with good quality, local (or better yet home grown) food makes my soul shine.

(Pictured are the fresh blueberries my husband brought home for our breakfast. They were added into my homemade pancakes - with milk from a local dairy and pork sausage from Sandy River Pork)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Yesterday, Jenna learned how to make her own peanut butter at the Natural Foods Coop

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Watermelon with SEEDS!  Have not had this since I was a kid. Fun fun

Free range chicken from Sandy River Pork accompanied by fresh, local veggies made for a fantastic meal last Sunday. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

I love berry season

Growing up in Alberta, I always anxiously awaited the arrival of BC fruit. Every year I would give myself a tummy ache gorging on cherries. Since leaving I have not had a lot of luck finding fruit that I enjoyed the same way (with the exception of the apples in Quebec). Until this year in Virginia.

We are very lucky in that there is a small farm quite close to us. I have developed the habit of stopping in with the kids to see what's available at Jamison's Orchard. Lately it's been blackberries, raspberries and peaches. As in the ones in the picture in my previous blog.

Yesterday they also had plums. I had to take a picture of the blackberries and plums. They have the biggest blackberries I have ever seen, but also the smallest plums I have ever seen. What do you think?