Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tomatoes and the snow - my two homes

My day started with opening an email from my dad. He'd sent me pictures of the snowfall they'd just had. Even though it's December, I think living in the south has skewed my perception of Calgary weather. It's still shocking to see it look so cold. Although I have to say, the right snow day can be the most fun you can imagine.

Here's the view from my parent's place

To have it really hit home how far from "home" I am, I went to Jamison's. I actually went there to pick up some pickled beets (which I did get and then forgot to use in my supper but I digress). They had homegrown tomatoes there! Can you imagine the happy dance a girl from Alberta did to learn that I can buy homegrown tomatoes in DECEMBER?

I ended up making more of a "summer supper" and made tomato salads, a potato salad, fresh bread and some smoked salmon.

I don't want to ever have to go back to tasteless store tomatoes. I need a greenhouse.


On a slightly different note (and not food related, but health related), I took Jenna to the doctor's office yesterday. She finally had her last immunization shot and hopefully we are now done for a good long while. Poor Jenna hates shots and it's always filled with tears (hers and mine).

But, yesterday for me was extra awful. The waiting room was full, they were running late, and all the other people in the waiting room were sick  not just kind of sick, but hacking up a lung, running to throw up sick. One lady they had to remove from the waiting room and find her a place to lie down.

Now don't get me wrong, I felt really badly for all these other people. But we've already had a major bout of sick go through our house. I really didn't want us going through it again. I was cringing every time I saw them hack all over the chairs, tables and doors.

I had my hand sanitizer with me and as soon as Jenna and I left we sprayed each other down. And washed hands really well at home. But it made me think of my mom always telling me to wash off the outside yuck. And her telling me how my Grandma always used to tell her to wash off the city germs when they would go to town.

So winter me has reappeared and I'm on everyone to wash and to keep their hands out of their mouths.

Somehow I managed to survive a childhood spent using my horse's butt as a picnic table for whatever I was eating - but people germs gross me out!

Stay healthy and happy